Travel News

19 Wonderful Things to Do in Menorca — ALONG DUSTY ROADS

19 Wonderful Things to Do in Menorca — ALONG DUSTY ROADS

Seduced by the paradise beaches, sunshine, and the fishbowl glasses of lemonade & gin on our first trip to Menorca way back in 2017, we promised each other that’d we return one day.

And then, after a long winter and spring of lockdowns, we decided that a summer month travelling the beautifully compact Balearic Island seemed like a very good idea indeed.

That second trip was about going a little slower along the coastline and interior to seek out both the well-known and the lesser-visited; not to try and discover a ‘different side’ of Menorca, but simply to cover all sides at our own pace and scratch a little deeper.

For, although it may principally be viewed as a summer holiday island – a place to relax, top up the tan, and eat well – the truth is that Menorca isn’t quite what you may be thinking of when ‘Spanish holiday destination’ comes to mind. Sure, there’s coastal resorts and swimming pools and luxury hotels and holiday homes and tourists and beaches – all the elements you’d expect – but this is a quieter place where a balance, delicate and fragile though it may be, is being sought.

About a fifth of the size of neighbouring Mallorca, instead of the brash concrete, noise, and hedonism you find elsewhere, the words which come to mind for us most when we think of Menorca are: undeveloped, understated, ruggedly rural and remoteness.

These are virtues, not vices; and a popular European summer holiday destination where several of most beautiful places require a bit of sweat, dust, or seawater spray to access is something to be treasured.

(but if you’re simply looking to have a week of good food, sunshine, and fun, you can absolutely have that here as well).

From the wild rust beaches and virgin white sand coves to foodie experiences in the cities and countryside, walking along dusty roads to discover secret swimming holes and prehistoric archaeology or simply sipping local gin on an art gallery island then heading out on your own boat to explore the coastline, these are our favourite personal experiences, places, and moments to be had on Menorca (north, south, east, and west!)

We think you’ll love them too during your own holiday.

On a stay of week or two, you won’t necessarily be able to do everything and anything we recommend here – but that’s not something to be concerned about. Simply pick and choose or curate your own itinerary off the back of it to suit your time and travel style and, who knows, maybe you’ll make a promise…

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