Travel News

55 Lessons Learned From The Experience Of Traveling

caz sitting on rock looking at the red mountain views of Boynton Canyon Sedona

Travel is not just about checking places off your list and taking your “I was here” photo.

For the past 20+ years, I’ve learned so much from the experience of traveling. It’s more than just seeing new places and trying new things – travel has been a story of personal enrichment.

Boynton Canyon Sedona

It’s how I’ve learned about the world: it’s natural wonders, diverse cultures, history, and traditions.

But, more importantly, it is how I’ve learned to discover who I really am and how I fit within the greater world.

One of the greatest teachers I’ve ever known, has been travel, and my classroom, is planet Earth.

I believe this discovery helps us to become more balanced, whole and appreciative of all living things and our interconnectedness.

Lessons Learned From The Experience of Traveling

best views yosemite valley view
Yosemite National Park

Here are 55 lessons I have learned from my life of travel that have helped me to grow into, what I think, is a person who lives an empowered life.

1. Deep down the essence of who we are as human beings is the same. This is all that matters. The outside differences are there to learn from and celebrate without fear.

2. There is absolute joy and wonder to be had in the simplest of moments: swinging in a hammock on the beach while watching the sunset over the horizon, for example.

3. The more we own, the more enslaved we become.

4. Fulfillment comes from memorable moments and loving relationships, not material things. Savour life-changing experiences, chase those travel bucket list moments like seeing the Northern Lights or attend a Holi Festival in India. Those unforgettable moments are worth more than gold.

5. Negotiation, business transactions and even personal relationships should always be conducted with the mutual belief in it being a win-win result. Don’t try to haggle for the sake of it. Nothing good comes from being greedy.

6. The more you help others, the more you get in return.

7. A smile, a wave, and a friendly attitude can break down any barrier and create friendships where language isn’t understood.

8. Kindness is a universal language.

the world is full of good people
Always meeting kind and gentle souls

9. You are powerful beyond measure. You never know what you are capable of until you push the barriers of your comfort zone, even if it’s just a little bit each day.

10. Fear can be a guiding friend if you learn how to swallow it, and listen to it only when it serves its true purpose of warning you when you are in danger.

11. Mother…

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