Travel News

How to Prepare for Your House Sitting Interview (and Nail it!)

how to prepare for a house sitting

House sitting and pet sitting are two of the best ways to travel the world on a budget and see destinations you’ve always imagined visiting, cuddle with some adorable animals, and immerse yourself in different cultures.

However, in order to make this dream a reality, you have to go through the house sitting process. To summarize, you’ll have to sign up for a house sitting website, search for the perfect house sitting job, and then send an eye-catching application message to the owners. The next step is to secure the job by nailing the house sitting interview.

The purpose of a house sitting interview is to allow both the homeowners and the house sitters to gain an understanding of each other’s needs and expectations. However, homeowners tend to interview multiple candidates, so it’s also their chance to assess whether you’re the right fit for them or not.

I’ve been house sitting for years now and this way of traveling has allowed me to spend weeks with a cat in a Brussels apartment and enjoy over a month with a Frenchie in a house in Tokyo, but these are just a few examples; I’ve pet sat around the globe.

Needless to say, I’ve had my fair share of house sitting interviews. While I’ve failed to secure a job here and there, I typically get the gig by extensively preparing for the interview.

Within this post, I’m going to share my 10 ultimate steps on how to prepare for a house sitting and pet sitting interview. I’ll also share what to expect during the house sitting interview and the five best house sitting websites that you should check out.

Without further ado, let’s begin.

☞ SEE ALSO: How To Become a Pet Sitter

What to Expect During the House Sitting Interview

Before I go into the steps on how to prepare for your house sitting interview, let’s go over what a house sitting interview looks like. For most international house sits, the interview will occur virtually via Skype or Zoom. While I’ve occasionally met homeowners in person, it’s only been for local house sits or if I was already visiting the homeowner’s city.

From personal experience, the house sitting interview is set up in the following way: first, in my application message, I let the homeowners know that I would love to meet them virtually via Skype or Zoom to discuss the job.

If they’ve decided to proceed with my application and want to interview me, I let them decide which video conferencing tool they’d prefer to…

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