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19 Amazing Things To Do In Brussels

landscaped garden and monument in middle of brussels

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Brussels in Belgium is considered the capital of the European Union, but when families plan their travels to Europe, it is often overlooked.

The city of Brussels has plenty to offer families, it has a vibrant blend of rich history, stunning art nouveau architecture, delicious cuisine, and a thriving cultural scene.

There are so many things to do in Brussels that it can be hard to decide what to add to your list. In this guide, we’ve shared what to do in Brussels and what attractions should not be skipped.

Things to Do in Brussels

Below are some of the most unmissable and amazing attractions in Brussels for any type of traveler, whether you’re a family like us or a couple or solo traveler!

1. Try Brussels Frites

bag of Brussels Frites

Frites, commonly known as ‘french fries” are a Belgian creation. In Brussels, the whole experience in having these delectable fried potatoes is taken up to another level.

First, they are prepared crispier than any you will probably have. Second, and here is where the fun comes for the kids, they have endless toppings ranging from simple mayonnaise to all sorts of curries. The combinations are endless.

One of our favorite evenings spent in the city was stopping at Fritland, a popular destination near the Grand Place and we purchased fries and strolled through the cobbled stone streets at night when most of the tourists have gone, and were able to get a clear photo in front of the famous Manneken-Pis.

2. Get Some Moules-Frites

bowl of mussels

Moules Frites is probably the most famous dining option in Brussels if not all of Belgium. It would be the equivalent of getting a steak in Texas.

Mussels, for many, take more of an acquired taste than the paralleling dish I mentioned, but once acquired, few meals are as satisfying. If you or your children have never had them before, this is the place to start.

Prepared very simply, usually “Au Vin Blanc” style (steamed in a butter, leek, and wine broth) and served with fries, it’s the subtleness from the use of the best mussels and simple ingredients and usually served in a cast iron pot, makes the dish the perfect hybrid of poor man’s food and sophistication.

Our recommendation for the best place to have Moules Frites is a traditional Belgian Restaurant named, La Maree.

You may not find it on every “best of” list, but it is where our Airbnb host recommended….

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