Travel News

How Much Should You Budget?

caz and craig in front of dead tree and sand dune

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Africa is a continent that’s famous for its wildlife and safari experiences, remote villages, tribes and miles and miles of untamed, unspoiled natural beauty.

Dead Vlei Nambia

Those who travel to Africa will leave in a sense of awe. It’s not only a place where you can experience wildlife encounters up close, but a place where you can learn interact with a culture so diverse, and so different, from anywhere else.

Most people expect Africa to be a cheap continent to travel to, because it’s famously underdeveloped, but this is not the case. Safaris, gorilla treks, Masai Warrior experiences etc, all come at a high price tag – and you’d be surprised by how much the bucket list experiences can eat into your budget.

Which is why we prepared this guide on the cost of travel in Africa on a budget, so you can save your hard earned cash to spend on those bucket list experiences by knowing how to save on other items.

Can I Go To Africa On A Budget?

deer in grass next to a pond

Craig and I backpacked from Kenya to South Africa for 5 months, and we are here to tell you it’s absolutely possible to travel Africa on a budget – and when we say budget, we mean a shoestring budget.

Some African countries are more expensive than others, such as South Africa, and so it’s not a case of saying “Africa is cheap”, but there are ways you can travel on a modest budget.

The truth is, Africa can be expensive, but it can also be incredibly cheap if you’re prepared to give up some luxuries.

The cost of day-to-day living, transport, and accommodation on the whole is usually far less than Europe or America, but not quite as cheap as Asia (from our experience). But we would still class most of Africa as a budget destination.

Baby Hyena lyig on side of the road
Baby Hyena, Kruger Park, South Africa

What gets expensive are the cost of safaris, game viewing, and other adventure activities.

You must travel to Africa with a plan of exactly what parks you want to visit, what activities you want to do, and what your daily budget should be, in order to save money for those big ticket items.

You can blow your budget really quickly, so careful decisions must be made. You will have to give up luxury in some areas in order to be able to do more of the things Africa is famous for.

We spent approximately $7,000 over 5 months. This included the very expensive gorilla trekking in Uganda, white…

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