Travel News

14 Must-Listen Podcasts for Solo Travelers

travel podcasts

This guest post is by Erin Hynes, a Toronto-based travel blogger and podcaster. 

In my experience, the thought of heading out to a place I’ve never been before, completely alone, can be daunting. Despite that, every time I’ve challenged myself to travel solo, the rewards have been amazing.  

We rarely spend quality time with ourselves at home. Work, friends, screens, and social media keep us busy. But when we travel solo, there are entire days and nights spent only with ourselves. 

Along with these moments alone, there are many opportunities to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people while solo traveling. I was always a shy person, but staying solo in hostels helped me get over my fear of making new friends. 

In these ways, solo traveling creates a unique opportunity to get to know yourself in a way that we often don’t have time — or the headspace — for at home. 

Whether you’re thinking about taking the plunge into traveling alone for the first time or you’re already experienced, podcasts about solo travel are a great resource. 

You’ll hear inspirational stories, helpful tips, and even learn about how to be a more conscious and responsible tourist.

I love the podcast medium, because it’s so perfect for storytelling and learning. Audio is great for travel, too! I always look forward to popping in my earbuds to listen to a podcast while on a long bus ride or flight. 

Read on to learn about 14 podcasts that you can tune into for the best solo travel inspiration. 

Image credit: Women Who Travel

On this podcast by Condé Nast Traveler, editor Lale Arikoglu chats with female-identifying guests about their unique and personal travel stories. Many are solo travelers, and so I find that lots of the episodes have tips and stories weaved in. 

A particularly great episode is titled “How I Visited Every Country in the World.” Lale interviews Jessica Nabongo, who in 2019 became the first documented Black woman to visit every country in the world, from Iceland to South Sudan to Japan.  

Jessica’s story in itself is incredible, especially given she traveled to 89 of those countries completely solo. But she also shares compelling insights about what she learned about herself during the trip. 

travel podcasts
Image credit: Curious Tourism

Being a fan of podcasts about travel, of course I had to make my own! I host Curious Tourism, which covers travel through a responsible-tourist lens. The goal of the show is to explore how travel can…

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