Travel News

‘Intrusive’ woman filming fellow plane passenger for travel blog sparks debate online


A man travelling for a family emergency was left feeling violated after a fellow passenger spent the journey filming and photographing him on a flight departing the UK.

In a post shared on Reddit, the 21-year-old male asked “AITAH for not letting this intrusive girl vlog next to me on the plane?”

“AITAH” stands for “Am I the a**hole?” and the forum allows readers to share their opinion about who was in the wrong in incidents shared on Reddit.

The “sad” and “worried” man found himself sitting in a row with a chatty 22-year-old female who switched from the aisle to the middle seat to film the plane taking off.

“I opened my eyes and she had the camera on me in that moment,” said the Reddit user, who then said he had to tell the woman “I don’t want to talk” so he could sleep instead.

He added: “I thought she had stopped bothering me for a while, because it was silent, but when I opened my eyes I saw that she was filming me. I raised a brow and she giggled. I told her I need her to stop. She laughed and told me I had said I don’t want to talk but I didn’t say I don’t want to be filmed.”

The man claims that the vlogger proceeded to film herself telling the camera: “he is so cranky.”

A man in the aisle seat then informed him that the woman had been “trying to do stupid things like pretending to touch my face, waving her hand in front of my eyes, hovering her hand over mine to compare size(?), put her shoe next to mine” while he was sleeping.

When confronted about consent, the woman allegedly “stated she doesn’t need it” but stopped filming when the man threatened to complain to the cabin crew.

The “entitled” girl then “fell asleep, kept resting her head against me… which I kept pushing away… only for her to kind of frustratedly put her head back?”

He added: “She said I ruined her video. It was her first time visiting this country and I was starting her off on the wrong vibe. She also said I was single-handedly giving her a bad impression of men in my country. I was being a bad ‘ambassador for the brand’.”

The post was met with 165 comments from the Reddit community, with most agreeing the man was “NTA” – not the a**hole – in the story.

One user commented: “NTA. This post was hard on my blood pressure. She is so far out of line I don’t know where to start.” They…

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