Travel News

9 Essential Tips For Traveling With A Toddler (Age 1-3)

woman and a child holding hands on the beach

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I’ve not been shy about how difficult I found toddler travel and refer to it as the worst age to travel with kids.

It’s the time when they find their legs, and you rediscover yours, which means travel becomes all about running after your little ones and keeping a constant eye on them.

It can be draining, but it can also be a memorable and rewarding experience.

Hyams Beach

If you’re thinking of traveling with a toddler, then you’re going to want to follow our tips below.

We traveled with our two girls when they were toddlers, and while it wasn’t easy, we did have some incredible moments and we still think back to those trips with fondness today.

Is It Worth Traveling With A Toddler

woman walking through the water on a beach

Your baby could slide into toddler age at any time from nine months to 18 months (maybe later) and stay in that same “high energy, high spirited, curious and wild personality”.

From when they start to find their legs to about the age of three when they finally settle into them, you’re going to be on hyper alert and constantly chasing them.

The toddler stage wiped me out, but I was not some person who could stay sane foregoing the adventures either to keep them home.

We have a lot of experience with toddler travel – more so than any other age range. We did several trips in the USA, Puerto Rico, and Australia when Kalyra was a toddler.

And with Savannah, we traveled to Thailand not long after she found her legs and we started our Australian road trip when she was two – finishing when she was three and a half.

That’s an intense amount of time to spend traveling with a transitioning toddler. I’ve just realised how insane I am!

But you know what, it was worth it.

man sleeping in hammock with toddler

Traveling with a toddler opens up a world of new opportunities for them to learn and grow.

They grow up seeing the world from a new perspective as they explore different cultures, people, and environments.

It encourages their curiosity and fosters a sense of wonder.

Travel also helps them to develop important life skills such as being adaptable to change and resilience.

Read more about traveling with children of different ages:

Tips for Traveling With A Toddler

We believe parenting is hard no matter the age, nor where you are, so you might as well travel and fill up the moments in between with meaningful memories.

Before you book those…

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