Travel News

Business-class plane passenger applauded for refusing to swap seats

Simon Calder’s Travel

A traveller has revealed their reaction after they were approached by a fellow traveller who attempted to get them to swap their business-class plane seat.

The passenger who had been seated in business class aboard the recent flight took to Reddit to explain how a woman approached them with the request. “I boarded the aircraft and went to my business class bulkhead window seat. [I was] getting ready to settle in for a long flight. A woman came to the aisle seat and placed her bag on the seat. She looked at me and asked me if I would be willing to trade with her husband so that he and she could sit together,” the Reddit user wrote, while noting they were travelling by themselves.

According to the Reddit user, they asked the fellow passenger where her husband’s current seat was, at which point the woman indicated that he was in row 25, which was in the economy section. Because the woman was trying to secure her husband a spot in a more premium section of the plane without paying for it, the Reddit user said they declined to swap seats.

The business-class passenger explained in their since-deleted Reddit post that the woman was “visibly upset” after not being given the seat and “couldn’t believe” she wouldn’t be allowed to sit next to her husband on the plane.

“I suggested that she trade her seat with whoever was sitting next to her husband so that they could sit together. She snorted and told me she had paid for a first class ticket! I smiled slightly and said that, indeed, I had as well,” the post, which has since been deleted, read.

Since sharing the post, many people have taken to the comments section to defend the passenger for not giving up their seat. “I can’t believe she thought this would work. What a moron,” one comment read about the woman who asked to swap seats.

“Sadly I saw a ‘TikTok Travel Influencer’ market this as a ‘hack,’” another commenter wrote. “I hate everything about TikTok.”

“First-class seats long haul cost thousands. No way am I giving up what I paid for so some entitled arse can take it,” a third commenter agreed with the passenger. “Tears or no tears I’m not moving.”

Another commenter chimed in, writing that they’ve witnessed someone use this technique to get a seat upgrade without paying for it and it worked. “I saw it work once and was so mad on the…

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