Travel News

Atlas & Boots’ top 10 posts of 2023

The Lars homestead is one of the Star Wars film locations in Tunisia

After a hiatus from the blog, Kia looks back at our top 10 posts of the year

There’s a slight break from tradition this year here at Atlas & Boots. Our top posts of the year are usually a balanced mix of articles by me (Kia) and Peter. This year, however, all but one are by Peter thanks to my hiatus from the blog. 

I had to take a step back this year as I’ve been busy with my main hustle (i.e. fiction). Since January, I’ve published one novel (Those People Next Door in the UK and Perfectly Nice Neighbors in the US), abridged one novel (cutting 90,000 words down to 20,000 as one of six new titles for Quick Reads 2024) and written two other books – but this means that I haven’t been abroad at all. Compare this to 2022 during which I visited 15 countries, as well as Antarctica and the Arctic. The hard graft has been worth it though. I hit the Times Bestseller list for five weeks straight and got to see my book on billboards all over London – a dream come true for any author. 

Peter, meanwhile, started a coveted job at UK Antarctic Heritage Trust and held the fort at Atlas & Boots while also squeezing in trips to Tunisia, Israel, Palestine, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

We are now preparing for our first trip together this year – a three-week jaunt through India. It will be Peter’s third Christmas in India but my very first time in the country. We’re looking forward to a few weeks of good weather, great food and stunning sights. We’ll be back in the New Year. In the meantime, here are our top 10 posts of 2023. 

1. Star Wars film locations: how to find the Force in Tunisia

By Peter
Read Star Wars film locations: how to find the Force in Tunisia

Atlas & Boots The Lars homestead is one of Tunisia’s Star Wars film locations

Tunisia is home to golden sandy beaches, superbly preserved Roman ruins, ancient towns with bustling medinas and, of course, the abandoned film sets of four of the six iconic Star Wars movies.

In this post, Peter takes you on a tour of the famous film locations. Whether you’re a die-hard Star Wars fan or – like him – just have fond childhood memories of wielding toy lightsabers with your siblings, you’ll find something to love in the desert planet of Tatooine.

2. How to train for mountaineering: a seven-step plan

By Peter
Read How to train for mountaineering: a seven-step plan

training for mountaineering on island peak in Nepal
Yongyut Kumsri/Shutterstock Peter is readying for his next seven summit


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