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24 Goals for 2024 – Year of Reinvention » Local Adventurer

24 goals for 2024

These are my 24 goals for 2024.

I have been a list-making, goal-oriented person for most of my life. But the pandemic, my stint living in a hospital, and the loss of both our cats, made me wonder what the point of setting arbitrary goals was. What was the point of anything?

I spent most of my time in bed or on my Animal Crossing island because I didn’t want to face reality. It was too much.

After three years of not posting goals, I’m back this year feeling a little more like my old self again with the help of my new coffee obsession and deeper friendships. Although, I’m still learning and slowly chipping away at the idea that I’m less of a person if I don’t get things done. Not being productive is okay. We all have different seasons in life. This year, however, I’m ready to give myself a gentle push to do more.


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Last Updated: January 4, 2024

24 GOALS FOR 2024

I don’t regret taking a few years off. I’m glad I broke from the Western capitalistic mentality, where you turn everything into productivity. Grief? Turn that into productivity, too! Because society says throwing yourself at work is much more acceptable than a depressive episode.

I’m sharing goals again because I get more done with some public accountability. However, this year is only about doing more than last year, not getting to 100% completion. When I’m too goals-focused, I lose sight of the important things, like spending time with people (our cats are our people, too).


In 2020, my word was creativity. This year, my word is REINVENTION.

I focused too much on my age and constantly told myself my climbing was going downhill, but I didn’t give myself enough credit for climbing again after injuring my heel after a nasty fall. This year, I’m going to pave my own path, discover new hobbies, and say f*ck ageism. I don’t have to believe what society says is age-appropriate. I’ve always been non-traditional, anyways.

Recap of Last Year

Also, this year, more than ever, I’m learning my memory is unreliable. My brain thought we spent the year mostly at home and playing pickleball, but our one-second-a-day video for 2023 tells a different story. Did you know our brains create false…

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