Travel News

Man travelling with his wife refuses to switch seats with passenger

Simon Calder’s Travel

A man has questioned whether he was wrong to refuse to switch seats with a fellow passenger on his flight.

In a post to the Am I the A**hole forum on Reddit, a husband wrote about a flight he took with his wife from Dublin, Ireland, to Washington, DC. The thirtysomething couple discovered they had the entire row to themselves, so he moved to the aisle seat while his wife stayed at the window seat before the plane took flight.

According to the man, the first four and a half hours of the flight were uneventful – until a passenger from the aisle seat across from them came over with their friend and announced that their friend would now be taking the available middle seat between the couple to escape a crying baby.

“She did not ask – she told us this was happening,” he wrote, noting there were three hours left of the flight. He asked her if the flight attendants were aware of this change and after flagging them down, the flight attendants informed him that there was an “agreement was that they could take an available aisle seat but could not disrupt anyone’s seating arrangements”.

Upon hearing this, the man, who was relucant to allow the change, alleged that the passenger began complaining that the man had been assigned to the middle seat, arguing that he shouldn’t even be sitting in the aisle seat. After sitting there for nearly five hours, the man noted that he and his wife had already distributed their items all over the row.

After the passenger and her friend went to talk to the flight attendant for five minutes, the passenger then went back to her seat but yelled at the husband for refusing to move. He recounted that she was “saying that ‘her friend would not be sitting there – not because she was not allowed to, but because I was so incredibly rude’ and that I was a ‘f***ing ***hole.’”

The husband wrote that he ignored her and kept his eyes focused on the show he had been watching throughout the flight.

“The only thing I did this entire time was ask to talk to the flight attendant,” he wrote. “I did not say anything else to this woman, though I would have liked to.”

Users flocked to the comment section to voice their opinions, with some saying that he was right to flag down the flight attendant and verify whether he and his wife could stay where they were seated.

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