Travel News

9 Steps To Help My Fear Of Flying: My Flight Ritual

woman sitting in qantas business class

You might not know this, but I have a fear of flying. I know what you’re thinking; you run a travel blog, how could you be scared of flying?

Well, like any fear, the trick is to not let it define you and to come up with ways of managing it. I don’t think I will ever get over the fear of flying, but I can make flying easier by having a pre-flight ritual.

So if you’re scared of flying and don’t know what to do about it, perhaps my pre-flight ritual may help you feel more at ease and steady your nerves.

Business class always helps!

My Flight Ritual

Step 1. Get organized

The best way to manage a fear of flying is to stay calm throughout the flight – or at least, this is my experience.

So the first thing I do when I board a plane is I get organized with my pens, reading book, iPod, and journal in the pocket in front of me.

Part of fear is a feeling of anxiety and stress, and being disorganized often makes me feel more anxiety and stress.

If I know where all my belongings are, and keep them tidy, I can minimize the chance of me feeling any of these negative emotions during the flight and stop me from feeling overwhelmed.

Step 2. Do something calming and quiet

The next thing you want to do is settle in and do something quiet and calming to take your mind off the fact that you’re in an air plane.

Take out the in-flight magazine to read, or do a crossword puzzle.

For me, I do the Sudoku to take my mind off the take-off jitters. In later years, I’ve bought those Sudoku puzzle books to complete during flights, or you can download an offline Game on your phone.

These kind of brain-games are designed with mindfulness in mind. They make your mind focus on one thing, and shut out everything that’s around you.

I’ve even been known not listen to safety advice because I become engrossed in Sudoku.

Step 3. Do listen to the safety advice

If it’s your first time flying, do listen to the safety advice and pre-flight safety briefing.

I used to feel like if I listen, it is a sign I’ll have to use it.

My thoughts say, “pay attention to how you blow up your jacket, because you’ll need it.” Fear freaks out, “don’t listen because you’re casting an evil spell if you bring your attention to it and you’ll have to use it.”

Now I change that negative feeling into a positive one – it’s just there to protect me, and that’s good.

Now I pop my head up to listen to safety advice, just in case.

Step 4. Keep working on your Sudoku

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