Travel News

10 Ways Travel Strengthens Marriages And Relationships!

bridge and groom walking on the beach

Marriage is tough, no matter where you are. It’s long term, day in day out, nose to the grind constant work.

Every decision you make is centered on what is best for each other, not just for yourself – difficult, as by nature we are pretty selfish.

You get sick of the sacrifice and often, when you are tired, resentful, angry, frustrated and unhappy, a return to singledom looks so inviting.

These feelings are pretty normal in marriage, as both I and Craig have felt them at times, and I know many of my married friends have felt them too.

Photos on the beach

When you travel, often these feelings can be amplified up to 11/10. The new place, the new environment, can often bring a new perspective – not always in a good way.

But travel can also help strengthen marriages and relationships. It can be life-changing if you are in need of ways to reconnect and rebuild a bond.

In this guide, I’ve listed some of the ways travel has strengthened our marriage, and some of the lessons we’ve learned about love on the road.

How Travel Strengthens Marriages and Relationships

Often we are never told about the difficulties of marriage and long-term relationships and how to work through them.

It’s all romance and weddings, blissfully rocking babies to sleep (ha ha ha), and happily swinging in the rocking chairs during the retirement prime. (Except for me it would be a hammock, and trust me, I’d be in it because I won the hour-long argument for shotgun rights.)

So here is an honest look into our marriage, and some of the things that we have learned about travel and how it’s helped us keep relationship satisfaction and intimacy.

1. Travel teaches you how to put up with each other’s idiosyncrasies

people smiling

I can’t stand how he sits on a toilet for 20 minutes and it drives him nuts how I always leave the butter out (Yes Mum, I know it drives you crazy too).

Think of the mile-long list you have of things that annoy you about your partner. When you travel 24/7, there is no escaping the irritants, you just have to learn to live with them.

We’ve learned to work around these annoyances and adapt to them.

We’ve learned to make fun of them and love each other regardless (but really 20 minutes?).

It’s important to turn those annoyances into appreciation, because when you realise there may be a day without them, you’ll soon start to miss them.

They still drive us nuts, but not enough to take us to the divorce courts.

2. Travel helps you learn about each…

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