Travel News

Booked: Hot Baths, Cold Beer, and European Capitals


Greetings from the friendly skies! After a busy summer enjoying beautiful British Columbia, Josh and I are on separate journeys to Europe for quick tours of the continent.

The original inspiration for a trip to Europe this time of year came at the Prince of Travel Signature Event in Montreal, where our teammate Rohin suggested meetup at Oktoberfest. Travel has become a bit easier over the last few months, so a few of the Prince of Travel team decided to make an occasion out of it.

Our itineraries came together in a rather unorthodox fashion, so let’s take a look at the planning process that made the trips come into fruition.

The Trip


I’m really excited for this trip. Europe was the destination for my first major trip 17 years ago, and I’m glad to be able to return once more.

The first stop will be in London, which is sure to be interesting with the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II. I’ll spend three nights in the city visiting with old friends and adjusting to the eight hour time difference from my home on Vancouver Island.

From there, I’ll enjoy a full English breakfast at London Heathrow before flying British Airways Club Europe to Prague. I have fond memories of being in the city long ago, and I’m excited to return to see what is the same and what is different.

From there, I train into Munich for three days. A group of us are meeting up at Oktoberfest, which is sure to be a blast.

Oktoberfest in Munich

Once I’ve had my fill of beer and pretzels, I head to Budapest for four nights with Lufthansa in economy. For an hour-long flight, I don’t imagine I’ll be missing out on anything at the front of the plane.

In Budapest, I intend to visit all nine thermal baths in the city, and I hope to offer my insights into each as a heat culture enthusiast. My friend, who lives in Zagreb, is coming to Budapest to assist, and I’m looking forward to catching up with him.

Gellért Thermal Bath, Budapest

We’re also going to do a deep dive into the world of paprika, which will be a very nice addition to my spice rack when I get home.

From Budapest, I head to Paris via Vienna in Austrian Airways business class. Intra-European business class isn’t anything particularly special, but I thought I’d give it a try. 

I’ll spend two nights in Paris before heading back to Vancouver Island. After reading Rohin’s guide to sparkling wine, I hope…

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