Travel News

Airlines want tracking technology to prevent another MH370

File photo: The missing Malaysia Airlines 777 airliner, photographed in Australia in 2010.

CNN celebrates 100 years of commercial aviation with a week of programming presented by resident travel expert Richard Quest.

Story highlights

Aviation taskforce wants to ensure planes cannot be “lost” in the future

Tracking, not data streaming, is the answer, says head of IATA

Air France already uses technology to enable frequent tracking updates

Doha, Qatar

Making sure another plane is never “lost” again is the immediate priority for the airline industry, according to Tony Tyler CEO of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

The group has set up a taskforce comprised of airlines, pilots, flight safety organizations and flight tracking and navigation service providers to try and ensure a mystery like flight MH370 is not repeated.

“We’re going to be focusing on the tracking of aircraft and not streaming of data,” said Tyler at the group’s annual meeting, in Doha, Qatar, adding that it will deliver a report in September recommending what changes airlines should take, although they won’t be mandatory.

The streaming of data is not the focus, said Tyler, as tracking is “the most urgent first step and can be done relatively easily.”

MH370 search goes back to square one

“There are a lot more issues that come into play when it comes into the streaming of data. If you start having streaming from 100,000 flights a day, you’re going to end up with masses of data and that may be manageable or may be not manageable.”

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Currently a mix of radar, satellite and voice communications tracks aircraft. A one-size-fits-all tracking solution might not work, cautions Kevin Hiatt, senior vice president for Safety and Flight Operations for IATA.

While the technology to track aircraft better is already available there is an equipment issue.

“Not all aircraft are equipped the same, it’s just like an automobile, there are different options you can fit in the aircraft, so we’ll explore what options are currently onboard and see how it can be used to fill this gap.

“Maybe some carriers already have what they need to start and there might be…

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