Travel News

‘Two full days of travelling for nothing’: flight cancellations ruin family’s Disneyland Paris trip

‘Two full days of travelling for nothing’: flight cancellations ruin family’s Disneyland Paris trip

A family was left disappointed a planned trip to Disneyland Paris turned into a “nightmare”.

Chelsea McMillan had booked trip to the theme park as a surprise for her six-year-old daughter’s birthday, with flights from Glasgow-Paris with easyJet on Monday 12 December.

But an hour before they were due to fly, Ms McMillan received a text to say the easyJet flight was cancelled due to severe weather, Glasgow Live reports.

EasyJet offered to fly the family from Bristol the same day instead, on the condition that they could travel there themselves.

They accepted, and embarked on the seven-hour journey to Bristol. But once at the airport, they found there was another three-hour delay – before their flight was cancelled again.

The McMillans were forced to pay for a hotel for the night, before travelling back to Scotland the next day, completely missing their trip in the process.

Ms McMillan told Glasgow Live: “We had planned the whole trip as a surprise for Aria. On the morning of, we showed her a video from Elsa telling her she was coming to Disneyland to meet all the other princesses. She was so excited.”

But the trip turned into a “nightmare”, she explained, after both flights were cancelled and easyJet reps “wouldn’t help us at all” with accommodation. “We were essentially just left to sort it out ourselves,” she said.

She added: “It was just a horrible experience. Aria was so upset having just been told she was going to Disneyland but not actually getting to go.”

The family tried to claim back funds for expenses on what they had spent on flights, accommodation and food, but were told there would be no payout as the flights were cancelled due to bad weather.

Ms McMillan said: “It was basically two full days of travelling for nothing. We’ve been told that we can’t get any money back because it was due to weather, but the flight from Bristol to Paris wasn’t impacted by the weather.”

“Dealing with their customer service has been awful,” she continued. “One person even hung up on me when I tried to explain our situation. We had only flown to Bristol because they told us we could get to Paris from there and now we’re expected to pay for it ourselves.”

The family also claims easyJet won’t refund them for the flight back from Paris, which they were unable to take because they never made it to the…

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