Travel News

12 Essential Things To Do in Central Vietnam (2023)

Vietnamese egg coffee (photo by Dave Lee)

Take a break from the big cities and soak up the beauty and charm of Central Vietnam in Southeast Asia. There are plenty of ancient sites to explore, beaches to enjoy, and delectable food to savor. We’ve collected a dozen essential things to do in Central Vietnam that you won’t want to miss.

Central Vietnam Attractions

1. Savor Vietnamese Coffee

Vietnamese egg coffee (photo by Dave Lee)
Vietnamese egg coffee (photo: Dave Lee)

Vietnam is a caffeine dream and one of the best places in the world for coffee lovers. The country is the second-largest exporter of coffee, only surpassed by Brazil. It’s also trendy inside the country, with coffee shops everywhere.

Vietnam’s famous Robusta beans are substantially stronger than Americans are used to, making for a bolder buzz.

The intense, richer flavor means almost twice as much caffeine and the likelihood of something sweet mixed in to counterbalance.

The French introduced Vietnam to coffee in 1857, but the Vietnamese added their own twists to it. Ca phe sua, coffee with milk, is the traditional coffee choice with a healthy dose of sweetened condensed milk. 

The thick, sweet liquid transforms the bold, savory coffee into a dark, roasted, buttery flavor. We loved the abundance of condensed milk in Vietnam, delighting in dipping hot, buttery croissants into the gooey decadence.

There are plenty of types of Vietnamese coffee drinks to sip. It’s worth trying drip coffee to get the total effect of Vietnamese black coffee without the sweet stuff.

We also recommend salt coffee, which sounds strange but is truly enjoyable.

With the warm temperatures year-round, cold brews are standard options. Blended with coconut milk, coconut coffee is a smoothie with a kick.

Yogurt coffee starts with yogurt in the glass, and black coffee is poured over it. 

Created in Hanoi (Northern Vietnam) during the 1940s, egg coffee is a popular choice. The frothy, dessert-like drink is served hot or cold, but we preferred the hot version.

For non-coffee drinkers, egg cocoa is a lovely way to experience the creamy drink.

2. Wander Buddhist Caves at the Marble Mountains

Tang Chon Cave in the Marble Mountains of Central Vietnam
Buddhist temple in Tang Chon Cave

Walk one of Vietnam’s most sacred holy sites at Thuy Son Mountain, part of a cluster of five limestone and marble hills known as the Marble Mountains.

The mountains feature caves and tunnels, although only the largest, Mount Thuy, can be visited by tourists.

The mountains are a spiritual place, first used by the Cham…

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