Travel News

10 Things Business Travelers Need In Luxury Business Hotels

Typical reception counter of Business Hotels

Business travel is the oldest form of travel. When you study trade in the ancient world, you discover that most trade routes catered to business travelers as they traded goods around the globe. From historical times to 21st CE, business travel forms a big segment of the travel industry statistics. Although leisure travel is the flavor of our times, ably supported by the flaunting space provided by the social media platforms, business travel remains at the core of the business as well as the travel industry.

Most of my travels during my corporate career were business travels. At times they gave me weekend windows for my exploratory travels, and sometimes they gave me a flavor of the place and a wish to come back to explore more. As a travel blogger too, all my media trips were essentially business travels in association with the travel industry.

Business travel needs are a bit different from leisure or family travel, as the purpose of the travel is different. Most business travel is done alone or with colleagues. Travel has a business purpose to meet. So, your hotel accommodation needs to cater to your business travel requirements. Though there are hotels that brand themselves as business hotels, most hotels serve both business and leisure travelers.

Luxury Business Hotels for Business Travelers

Let me share what I want in Business Hotels:

Quick Check-In / Check-Outs

Most luxury hotels check you in at leisure. I have spent as much as 45-60 minutes at the reception waiting for the check-in process to be completed. There is nothing more irritating when you have to rush for a meeting or a conference, refresh yourself and the lady at the reception keeps smiling while entering data at leisure. Then your luggage delivery takes its own sweet time.

Typical reception counter. Image courtesy Shutterstock

The same goes for check-out. Too many people co-ordinate to check you out and you lose your precious time.

On a leisure trip, I can still accommodate this, but on a business trip, it is an absolute waste of time.

Large Clean & Well-Lit Desk

Interior designers of luxury hotels need to keep in mind this biggest requirement of a big and clean desk. By clean I do not mean free of dust but a desk with no cards, vases, or anything else placed on them. I need space to not just put my laptop comfortably but to be able to charge all my gadgets simultaneously.

Large clean well-lit work desk at Business Hotel
Large clean well-lit work desk. Image courtesy Shutterstock

Here I must add…

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