Travel News

12 Lessons We Learned From 12 Years of Digital Nomad Life

mount cinnamon grenada rooms

We’ve made plenty of mistakes. Some of them have cost us a lot of time and money. Particularly #7 on this list!

In this article, I’m going to share with you the 12 lessons we’ve learned from 12 years of traveling and living abroad full time while running our remote freedom lifestyle businesses.

Our friends and families thought it was crazy when we quit high-paying corporate jobs in Canada to travel… but we still managed to surpass those Canadian salaries, while only working a fraction of the hours (and loving what we do).

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It’s actually hard to believe it’s already been 12 years.

If you missed the post last week, go check it out because it was all about how we actually quit our jobs to start this crazy life in the first place.

But in this article, I want to talk to you about things we’ve learned.

Spoiler alert… the ways that digital nomads share about this freedom life is usually complete bulls#!t.

Well, either their full of it, or they haven’t been at it long enough.

I remember when our remote incomes first surpassed our incomes from our jobs at home… we were also sharing nothing but positive content online.

Like OH MY GOD income is up again.

Oh I just got paid to stay at ANOTHER luxury hotel.

mount cinnamon grenada rooms
One of the many free hotel stays we received while working on our blog & social media business

Oh I just made $1000 in my sleep.

We posted only positive things because nothing negative had happened to us at that point.

But guess what… and I’m sorry to spoil this for all of you aspiring digital nomads out there… it’s not all rice paddy offices and smashed avo on toast.

In this post, you can expect an honest look at what it’s like to build and run your own remote businesses, and a few things that we managed to mess up pretty bad.

Hopefully you can learn from our mistakes.

We were guilty of this for about the first 8 years of our nomadic life. We traveled so much that we couldn’t really get any work done.

Here’s a news flash… You can’t build a real business if you’re moving to a new hotel or Airbnb every 3 days.

Dariece Pool MadieraDariece Pool Madiera

Or maybe you can… but just don’t get upset when your nomad friend spends at least 4 months in every place and then his business, lifestyle, and six pack is way better than yours.

If you’re serious about this whole nomadic business thing, stay at least 3-4 months…

Click Here to Read the Full Original Article at Goats On The Road…