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10 Ways To Make Money As a Graphic Designer in 2023

graphic design sketches

Though you may not realize it, graphic design is almost everywhere you look, it’s a skill and career that is always very much in demand. If you’re wondering how to make money as a graphic designer, this guide will help you, whether you’re just starting on your journey or you’ve already begun.

It’s effortless to earn money online designing.

Nowadays, you don’t even need to have a degree in graphic design from a university to get started because there are so many online platforms that can help you learn techniques, such as Teachable, YouTube or Skillshare.

I’ve managed to make design one of my largest income streams after recently graduating from university with a dual degree in Media Arts and Graphic Design — but, as I said, you don’t need a degree in order to get into this career. 

I have been studying graphic design and using what I’ve learned in the real world for the past 7 years, and my journey is only just getting started.

If you’re wondering how to become a freelance graphic designer, read on to learn the ins and outs of my personal experience in the industry. It really is one of the best, high paying online jobs, and is great for those who are looking to find work they can do while travelling

Here’s my guide on how to make money as a graphic designer.

What is Graphic Design?

Before we begin to answer how to make money as a graphic designer, it’s essential to understand precisely what graphic design is

From billboards and logos to the packaging of your food products. That’s all graphic design.

Essentially, graphic design is finding visual solutions for a specific purpose, whether that’s to make someone want to purchase a product, watch a television show, or come to a large event. Graphic design truly encapsulates almost every visual aspect of your life.

Within graphic design, there are a few different buckets that you might choose to specialize in, including package design, layout design, branding and logo design, or even typography if you’re interested in making fonts and playing with type.

Each bucket is equally as important, though some niches might pay a bit more depending on your skill level.

Essential Graphic Designer Tools

If you’re wondering how to become a graphic designer, you first need to make sure that you have all the proper tools. A lot of these can easily be purchased online, but keep in mind that graphic design is an expensive business to…

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