Travel News

Things To Know Before You Go!

view of empire state building at night from 250 fifth

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One of our fondest travel memories was spending Christmas in New York City back in 2003. We spent 10 days in the city back then, and we loved it so much, we’ve visited several times since.

I can’t count how many times I’ve visited NYC over the years, but I do remember my first time like it was yesterday.

New York City is unlike any other city in the world. It’s a city that ignites every sense you have and expels a kind of energy that can both excite you, and exhaust you, at the same time.

I’m not going to lie, it can be an overwhelming experience visiting NYC for the first time. It’s loud, it’s busy, it’s chaotic, and if you don’t go in prepared, it can rinse your wallet!

This is why we’ve prepared this guide to some of the most essential New York City travel tips, so you can go in armed with all the information you need to know before you go and have the most pleasant experience in the Big Apple.

Things To Know Before You Go To NYC

1. Winter is Cold, Super Cold

bridge over pond in central park with snow over it

Traveling to New York City in the middle of winter was challenging. We are not cold weather people, and New York City is cold.

The average winter temperature is somewhere between 25°F to 40°F (-4°C to 4°C), but it can get colder. Snow is common, but that’s not what gets your bones chilling.

NYC’s position on the Atlantic Ocean means there is always a cold front wind blowing through the city, which can make temperatures feel colder than they are.

This is not to put you off, we had so much fun exploring everything on offer and NYC at Christmas Time is just magical. Even in the snow, we came to realize there really is no other city quite like the Big Apple.

Plus, Central Park dusted in snow is a sight to behold.

Just remember to wrap up in your warmest clothes.

2. Walking Is The Best Way To See The city of New York

young girl looking at Saks 5th avenue window displays

The best way to experience New York City is by foot. That way you get to explore at your own pace, you can discover hidden gems along the way, and you can buy a cup of coffee and a donut from the street corner vendors and continue on your way.

Walking around NYC is made easy by the fact that it’s flat, it’s well laid out, and easy to navigate.

We highly recommend a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge. This famous landmark has a pedestrian walkway and it offers amazing views back to Manhattan.

It can be appreciated both at…

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