Travel News

Traveling to Spain? Here Are Some Things To Keep In Mind

Beach in Cala del Moraig, Spain (photo: Eduardo Kenji Amorim)

Ready for a Spanish adventure? Spain offers travelers a rich blend of history, culture, and stunning landscapes. From Madrid’s buzzing streets to Barcelona’s sun-kissed beaches, there’s a slice of paradise for everyone. But before you jet off on your first trip to Spain, here are some essential tips to ensure a smooth experience.

Beach in Cala del Moraig, Spain (photo: Eduardo Kenji Amorim)
Beach in Spain (photo: Eduardo Kenji Amorim)

Spain Travel Tips


Spanish is the official language, but English is widely spoken in tourist hotspots. Brush up on basic Spanish phrases to enhance your experience and connect with locals. Don’t forget to download a translation app for hassle-free communication.


The Euro is the currency used in Spain. While credit cards such as Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted, carrying some cash for those quaint village shops or beachside bars (chiringuitos) is wise. Also, before you leave home, verify which of your credit cards (if any) have no foreign transaction fees so you can use those. And it’s always a good idea to inform your bank about international travel plans to avoid any unexpected hiccups.


Spain boasts a Mediterranean climate with warm summers and mild winters. But the weather can vary. Coastal areas offer gentle breezes, while inland spots might surprise you with scorching heat or chilly winds. Check the forecast and pack accordingly.

Cultural Etiquette

Spanish culture is known for its warmth, hospitality, and emphasis on socializing and having fun. When interacting with local people, be humble and observe cultural norms. Greetings typically include a handclasp or two kisses on the cheek (starting with the left cheek). It’s also customary to say “please” (por favor) and “thank you” (gracias) when making requests or expressing gratitude.

Street performers in Cathedral Square, Barcelona (photo: Richard Hewat)Street performers in Cathedral Square, Barcelona (photo: Richard Hewat)
Street performers in Barcelona (photo: Richard Hewat)

Eating Out

Spanish cuisine is world-renowned for its variety, with each region having specialties and cooking procedures. When eating out, lunch is typically served between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., and dinner begins around 8:30 p.m. or later. Tapas, small plates of snacks, are a customary dining choice and an easy way to sample diverse dishes.

Health and Safety

Spain’s healthcare is top-notch, with public and private hospitals available nationwide. European Union citizens, bring your EHIC for emergency care. For non-EU travelers, ensure your travel insurance covers medical needs. Stay vigilant to avoid petty…

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