Travel News

Biking Torres Del Paine National Park Patagonia

Biking patagonia

The W and O treks are undoubtedly popular ways to experience Torres del Paine National Park, but they are not the only options. As the number of tourists on these trails continues to rise, I’m thrilled to introduce you to a new way to explore the park. With the advent of e-bikes, you can now traverse the park and its surroundings with ease. In this article, I’ll share why e-biking Torres del Paine National Park is a fantastic alternative to hiking, based on my own experience.

I hiked the W circuit over a decade ago, and even then, it was so popular that all the lodging and camping spots were reserved far in advance. Suppose you are looking for a way to escape the crowds and how people typically experience Torres Del Paine. In that case, I have a solution for you. Ebiking from estancia to estancia in Torres Del Paine.

When my friend and Chile Nativo owner Gonzalo approached me about his innovative e-bike tour around Torres Del Paine National Park, I was immediately intrigued. In all my years in the travel industry, I had never come across the idea of biking around the park—only hiking. This culturally immersive e-bike adventure tour offers a unique perspective on the park, and I was eager to delve deeper into this exciting new way to experience Patagonia.

Biking patagonia
Getting closer!

Get off the beaten track in Torres Del Paine Patagonia

I wouldn’t say Patagonia is overtouristed. However, it is a very popular travel destination, and for a good reason – it’s utterly jaw-droppingly stunning. However, when you start researching Torres Del Paine National Park, you’ll find that the main activity is hiking the famous W or O trek around the park. However, more and more, you hear of the crowded campgrounds and refugios, the over-hiked trails, and the number of people at viewpoints.  

There is no permit system in place yet for these hikes, but according to locals in the tourism industry, it’s not far off. Currently, campsite/lodging availability regulates the numbers on these hikes, but they will need to do more than that in the future if they want to preserve the trails and the experience.

This is why I’ve been looking for alternatives to the W or O Trek to experience the park.

I know – it’s easy for me to say skip the crowds and do something else since I luckily already did the hike myself years ago. But my goal with this website has always been to get people off the beaten track and introduce them to new, lesser-known places where they can have…

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