Travel News

Tips For Balancing Work & Wanderlust

woman watching the sun rise at Duck beach

Sponsored by Allianz Travel

In the wake of the pandemic, a seismic shift occurred in the realm of work and travel.

Companies were forced into flexible work policies allowing employees to work from anywhere with an internet connection.

The rest of the world finally caught on to what we have done since 1997 – traveling without saving a ton of money or breaking the bank.

Now, in 2024, they’re calling it a paycation, a trend that allows seekers to blend their professional – or entrepreneurial – responsibilities with a desire to explore the world.

Great start to the work day!

According to a survey conducted by Allianz Travel, 42% of respondents aged 18 to 34 expressed a willingness to travel to a vacation destination to work remotely, compared to 26% of those aged 35 to 54, and merely 12% of individuals aged 55 and older.

This generational divide underscores the changing attitudes towards work and travel, as younger professionals prioritize flexibility and experiences over conventional office settings.

Daniel Durazo, Director of External Communications at Allianz, aptly captures this shift, stating, “Younger Americans who spent the early years of their career during the work-from-home era in the pandemic are re-shaping our preferences for the way we work and travel.

It’s evident that the fusion of work and leisure is not merely a passing trend but a fundamental transformation in how individuals approach their professional and personal lives.

In this post (in partnership with Allianz Travel), we’ll share tips for making a paycation work. For each tip, we’ll give you a list of guiding questions to help you formulate the right remote working plan for you as well as sharing some of our own expert insights.

Work Hard Play Hard – Why Not?

Lady floating in water at a beach
Lunch break

This lifestyle choice of balancing work and life is not new to an Australian. It’s a common rite of passage for us to live and work abroad during the gap years after high school or college. (Try living that far away from the rest of the world and taking a short trip. #nothappening)

As we’re part of the Commonwealth, we have access to many working holiday, or work abroad, opportunities that come with legal work visas.

That’s how I first started as a twenty-one-year-old fresh from university with my teaching degree. As soon as I saw the advertisement on the college notice board for teaching in London, I said, “Why not?”

Don't miss fish & chips in a London Pub
Why not live and work in London?

Why not start exploring now? Why…

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