Travel News

How will the general election affect travel and can politicians get refunds for axed July trips?

Simon Calder’s Travel

The first July election in a lifetime will have some significant effects on travellers – specifically those people who are now required to be in the UK for the campaign and/or the polling day itself.

A number of candidates, party activists, election workers and those working in the media will have booked early July holidays in the expectation of an autumn vote. This is especially true for people in Northern Ireland and Scotland, where many schools break up at the end of June.

But what about the response of the UK public? Will we see a sudden increase in demand for holidays because some will want to escape the campaign – or could people decide to stay at home because they want to lap up the spectacle? And, crucially, if you are planning to be away on 4 July, how can you vote?

These are the key questions and answers.

I’m on holiday on 4 July. How can I vote?

There are two options.

Apply for a proxy vote, whereby someone else completes your voting form on your behalf.

Arrange for a postal vote, which allows you to make your choice up to two weeks ahead of polling day.

Arrangements are different for Northern Ireland, with full details here.

I have a holiday booked for early July. My job means I now can’t go. What are my options?

Thousands of local authority staff, candidates, party workers and journalists who were assuming a quiet early summer ahead of a busy autumn will be urgently cancelling travel arrangements.

Your best hope is that the travel company is prepared to be flexible in these unusual circumstances and allow you to postpone. That is more likely to happen if, for example, you have booked a family-run seaside hotel where you stay regularly.

Unfortunately, most companies are likely to say that normal terms and conditions apply – which could mean you lose some or all of your money.

Package holidaymakers are in the best position: they can transfer the trip to someone else, such as a family member or friend, on payment of a modest amount – typically £50.

People from Scotland or Northern Ireland who have “DIY” family holidays planned, with flights and accommodation booked separately, may find themselves thousands of pounds out of pocket.

I imagine a range of employers, from media organisations to local authorities, may be asked to pick up the bills for spoiled holidays.

Can I claim on travel insurance?

Most unlikely; I know of…

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