Travel News

18+ Fun Things To Do in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

A street with some brightly painted buildings and some hot pink bougainvillea flowers draping over the top of a doorway.

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Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, is a gorgeous little town on the Rio de la Plata, just a short boat ride from Buenos Aires. There are so many fun things to do in Colonia del Sacramento, and it’s wild that you can enjoy an easy day trip to an entirely new country!

If you’d like to escape the loud, crazy atmosphere of the big city, Colonia del Sacramento will relax you immediately. With its gorgeous historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, you’ll want to photograph everything in sight.

I originally meant to visit Colonia del Sacramento on my first trip to Buenos Aires, back in 2008 — but for various reasons, it didn’t happen. Now returning to Buenos Aires with my husband, Charlie, as part of our South American honeymoon, we were determined to visit this time.

And what a gem of a town Colonia is.

Founded by the Portuguese in 1680, Colonia del Sacramento changed hands between the Portuguese and the Spanish over the course of several hundred years. Due to its strategic position on the Rio de la Plata across from Buenos Aires, it was an important stronghold that both the Portuguese and the Spanish wanted to control.

Now a popular tourist destination, the town retains its colonial vestiges. Colonial del Sacramento is full of historic architecture, cobblestone streets lined with tall trees, cute cafes, and unique museums.

And even though our December day was hot, humid, and gray, with a few rain storms thrown in, we fell in love with Colonia del Sacramento right away. And there are a surprising number of cool things to do here.

Here are the best things to do in Colonia del Sacramento — so you can maximize your day trip from Buenos Aires!

This post was published in May 2024 and was co-written by Adventurous Kate and Hannah Cooper.

A street with some brightly painted buildings and some hot pink bougainvillea flowers draping over the top of a doorway.
Come to Colonia for scenes like this.

Day Trip to Uruguay from Buenos Aires

Are you planning to visit Colonia del Sacramento as a day trip from Buenos Aires? Plenty of people do. It’s a perfect day trip destination, and getting here isn’t as hard as you think!

You have two options: book the ferry on your own, or book a group tour.

Book the ferry on your own here. Charlie and I attempted booking directly with the ferry companies, but our payments kept getting rejected because we didn’t have local bank accounts. Instead, we had success booking through

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