Travel News

30 EPIC Things to Do in Easter Island (2024 Activities)

Moai Black And White Things To Do In Easter Island

From watching the sunrise over the iconic moai to diving in crystal clear water, here are the 30 best things to do in Easter Island.

Located at the far eastern point of Polynesia in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Rapa Nui is a place that has long been shrouded in mystery.

For decades the allure of this volcanic island, the most isolated inhabited place on earth, has been attracting visitors who are curious to discover the stunning scenery and fascinating statues.

Most famous for the iconic heads, officially known as moai (pronounced mo-eye), Rapa Nui also goes by the English name, Easter Island and the Spanish title Isla de Pascua.

Politically Easter Island belongs to Chile, but geographically the island is over 4000km away from the South American continent. While everyone does speak Spanish here, the local tongue, also called Rapa Nui, is just as prevalent.

We visited here in May 2017 and spent a week trying to discover all the things to do on Easter Island. What we didn’t expect was to fall completely in love with Rapa Nui!

Things To Do In Easter Island

Most people visit Easter Island on a short trip from Santiago, or from the other alternative at Tahiti. While it’s possible to see the major sites in a few days, we personally believe a week isn’t even enough.

There are dozens of things to do in Easter Island, and even though we were out all day, every day (and sometimes at night) we still didn’t get to do them all.

That being said we tried our best, and here’s our list of what to do in Easter Island on your next vacation!

READ MORE: our ultimate destination guide all about travel to Chile!

Moai Black And White Things To Do In Easter Island
Get ready to discover the best things to do in Easter Island.

Watch The Sunrise At Ahu Tongariki

Perhaps the most popular thing to do in Easter Island is to watch the sunrise over the 15 moai in at Ahu Tongariki. This particular location is so unique because it holds the best restored moais on the entire island.

Re-erected to their traditional positions after a huge tsunami knocked them down in 1960, the 15 moai stand tall with spectacular mountains and ocean views behind them.

While visiting Ahu Tongariki is beautiful at any time of day, being there for sunrise is especially captivating as the sun peaks up between the statues, throwing long shadows across the field.

Our Tip – Stay as long as you can after the sun rises to capture some amazing shots once everyone has left.

Ahu Tongariki Sunrise Things To Do In Easter IslandAhu Tongariki Sunrise Things To Do In Easter Island
The sunrise over Ahu Tongariki. We waited about 15 minutes after…

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