Travel News

Easyjet post-Brexit travel rules: Passenger almost £1,500 out of pocket after staff wrongly deny boarding – again

Brexit and beyond

EasyJet is once again turning away some British passengers to the EU on the basis of wrongly applied post-Brexit passport rules.

On 9 April 2024, Jacqueline McGeough was travelling with her daughter from Edinburgh to Naples on an easyJet flight for a four-day holiday in Italy.

Her British passport, which The Independent has verified, was issued on 12 May 2014 and expires on 12 August 2024.

It was therefore valid for travel to the European Union and wider Schengen Area up to and including 12 May 2024.

Ms McGeough said: “At the gate my boarding pass flashed red and the rep asked me when we were returning.

“I advised her 12 April. She stepped aside to make a call then advised me that my passport wasn’t valid. I told her I had carefully considered the published guidance before booking. She stated that my passport was only valid for 10 years from the issue date and therefore was not valid for travel.”

Read more: When to renew your passport before visiting Europe

The easyJet ground agent was incorrect. Ms McGeough’s passport comfortably met both the tests for UK passports to the European Union:

  • Under 10 years since issue date on the day of outbound travel
  • At least three months remaining on the intended date of return

Ms McGeough explained this to a supervisor, who nevertheless confirmed the original, erroneous decision to deny boarding.

The pair left the airport, having lost nearly £1,500 on the trip. Ms McGeough spent two days verifying that her passport was acceptable for travel. The Italian consulate in Edinburgh confirmed her passport was within date. She then lodged a complaint with easyJet.

Six weeks later easyJet’s customer service department told her that her passport had expired on 12 May 2024, which was false.

She then appealed to the chief executive, Johan Lundgren.

“On 27 May I received a response from the executive support team advising that having ‘thoroughly investigated’ my claim, I had been appropriately denied boarding as my passport expired on 12 May, 10 years from the anniversary of issue of my passport.”

Again, this was false, and Ms McGeough appealed for the decision to be reversed.

But easyJet doubled down, telling her: “Post-Brexit, EU countries no longer accept passports issued more than 10 years ago, even if they have additional months of validity due to the old passport…

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