Travel News

The Best Things to Buy in Ireland

Irish Souvenirs Best Things to Buy in Ireland

We find the best Irish souvenirs, from iconic wool sweaters to an Irish Tartan to Guinness itself.

When most think of Ireland, they have visions of green, rugged cliffs, quaint pubs and a hearty people. The truth is that Ireland has a long and colorful past as well as more than a few things as unique as its people.

Whether you’re planning an Ireland trip in the near future or just want to get a small taste of what Ireland is all about, we have some of the best Irish souvenirs and gifts ideas for you to enjoy. From world renowned wool, to world famous poetry, to breads and cheese, to Guinness beer, and breakfast tea, there’s something for every one and every budget.

I can’t guarantee that you’ll ever get to set foot on the magical isle yourself, but I do hope you get the opportunity, I can guarantee that there’s at least one Irish souvenir that you’ll love.

The Best Things to Buy in Ireland: Irish Souvenirs You’ll Love

Now here’s our list of the best things to buy in Ireland.

Aran Fisherman Sweater

Ireland is a land of hills and valleys and green meadows, making it well suited to raising sheep. So much so that it’s said that there are more sheep than people on this small island nation. That means there’s plenty of wool to be found, and no wool product is more iconic to Ireland than an authentic Aran Fisherman sweater.

These thickly woven wool sweaters are typically hand knit (though there are cheaper machine made varieties), incredibly warm and durable, making them a great way to stay warm when it’s cold outside.

They were originally created by wives for their fishermen husbands on the Aran Islands, located at the mouth of Galway Bay on the Atlantic Sea and where both farmers and fishermen dwelled and worked together. A typical Aran fisherman sweater would take between 3 to 6 weeks to make and kept the fisherman warm and comfortable when out on the rough waters and would make a very memorable souvenir.

Irish Whiskey

While whiskey is now common throughout the world, we actually have the Irish to thank for it. The word whiskey (or whisky as it’s known in certain countries) comes from the Irish term uisce beatha, meaning water of life. It’s believed to have been invented around the 12th century, when Irish monks returned from travels abroad and refined the distilling process until they obtained a drinkable cup.

While today’s single pot variety is higher quality than in those days, Irish Whiskey was once the most popular liquor in the the…

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