Travel News

15 Best Day Trips From Istanbul (by Train, Bus, Boat & Car)

View over istanbul and buyukada island taken from the monastery of saint george on the top of buyukada island - part of princes islands - in turkey.

There are many day trips from Istanbul you can take to break up your visit and give you the best overview of this stunning part of Turkey. Istanbul is loud, busy, packed with history, and full of so many incredible things to see and do, but sometimes you just need a break from the madness and a day trip does just the trick.

I’ve stayed in Istanbul for long periods and visited on countless occasions—I love it, but a day out always provides a refreshing pause.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that Istanbul is my favorite city on the planet; I don’t think I’ll ever be able to visit enough times. The city itself is incredible, but sometimes, you just need to stretch out without banging into someone, breathe in some fresh air, and just ‘be’ – taking a couple of Istanbul day trips is always a good idea.

The good news is that once you’ve left Istanbul for the day and returned, you’ll be raring to see even more of the city. It has that kind of effect on people; I think I’m addicted to it.

Best Day Trips From Istanbul

I previously lived in Turkey for several years, mostly on the south coast. However, my husband is Turkish, and he has family in Istanbul, so, every winter time we go and stay for around a month at a time. It’s one of the best times of year for me – I love this city, and it always surprises me in the best ways possible.

Having visited so many times, I’m still finding amazing, new things to see and do. However, I know how crazily busy this place can get, and sometimes, just one day out is the best way to recharge your batteries and dive back in. So, to help you do just that, I’ve compiled a list of the best one-day trips from Istanbul you can enjoy without traveling too far.

1. Büyükada, Princes’ Islands

View over istanbul and buyukada island taken from the monastery of saint george on the top of buyukada island - part of princes islands - in turkey.

One of the most popular day trips from Istanbul, if not THE most popular, is the Princes’ Islands, and Büyükada in particular. This is the largest of these beautiful islands, which sit in the Sea of Marmara, 17.6km/10.9 miles away from Istanbul. You won’t see many cars on these islands, if any, as most people get around either by horse-drawn carriage, bicycle, or on foot.

You can see just how much of a refreshing change of pace this is from the hectic vibe in the city and it doesn’t hurt that it’s an easy trip from Istanbul. The ferry ride takes around 1.5 hours, depending on the service you choose, and the scenery is stunning.

Once in Büyükada, you can spend…

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