Travel News

9 Major Benefits Of A Short Getaway

Lady floating in water at a beach

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Feeling like you need to get away from it all? It’s not called a short getaway for no reason. There are many benefits of a short getaway, it’s not just escaping your life for a bit.

If you’re finding that your life is currently on auto-pilot and you feel you have no time for yourself, and one busy week blends into another, then it’s time you did something to break the status quo.

Short getaway to Staniel Cay, Exuma Islands

A short getaway is your chance to recharge your batteries and come back to your daily life feeling happier and ready to tackle the day.

If you’re wondering what benefits a change of scenery can do for you, then in this guide we’ve listed all the wonders of getting out of town has done for us.

Benefits of A Short Getaway

woman reading magazine on Hunting Island State Park South Carolina
Hunting Island State Park South Carolina

We’ve been embracing weekend getaways since we moved permanently to Raleigh a few years ago. It’s much easier to take short trips when your kids are in school and getting ready to start college.

It’s nice to drive for only one or two hours, pack light, and have a beginning and an end to our trip. This is a stark contrast to our 18-month road trip around Australia and 1 year road trip around the USA!

We’ve found this new way of travel has really suited us. And here’s why…

1. Great if your low on money (and time)

a lake surrounded by mountains
Cradle Mountain Tasmania

If you don’t have a lot of money or time, a quick getaway is a fantastic option. Escaping nearby for a few days mini-vacation or taking a short flight to somewhere warm and exotic is easy and the most cost-effective way to travel.

You don’t have to take time off work, or quit your job, you can simply explore your own back yard or travel locally

If you’re new to this travel thing, just go an hour away from your home. Go somewhere where it’s easy to plan for, easy to get to, and you don’t have to pack much. Just try that out and have lots of fun.

A simple two-day trip close to home can do wonders for you mentally and physically, but often the biggest reason we don’t take a trip is because of finances.

Don’t underestimate the benefits of staying local and traveling in your own backyard – your wallet will thank you! This is one of the most overlooked and cheapest ways of having more travel in your life.

It can be as simple as filling up the car with fuel, and driving….

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